K9 Crusaders Fun Dog Show
No registration needed - judging starts 10am
£1 per entry - A class to suit every pooch! Full details here
Catering joint sponsors
In the Domestic Tent
Camborne Library - offering story time and craft activities
Penwith Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
Demonstrations on spinning and ‘have a go’ activities.
King Edward Mine Museum - educational and interactive activities about their museum and mining history.
Cornwall Woodcarvers - demonstrations and display of the excellent skills of the club members
Around the showground
A wide range of catering outlets - hot food, ice cream and bar
Classic fairground​
Inflatable assault course
Chairplanes kiddie ride
Swing boats
Bouncy castles
Sweets & candy floss
and many more stalls
Stilt Walkers from Hotch Potch will be visiting the Show this year!
Who will it be? The Ring Master? Captian O'Goldie? Seemore Gardens? Or some Disco Fever?
Dog Agility Demonstrations will be running at 2 hourly intervals during the day
Listen for the PA announcements during the day